The Driven Shot podcast revolves around the footballing world, with a special focus on the Catalan giants from Barcelona. Hosted by Blaugranagram's owner and founder, sports journalist, Omar Hawwash, and co-hosted by Blaugranagram editor, Joav Pedraza Pérez, the podcast covers opinions, listeners' questions, the latest from around the world, and more!

Latest Episodes

Barça’s Bayern goleada, Clásico Preview, and Hansi's Stoic Mindset in Football

In this episode of The Driven Shot, Omar Hawwash and Jamie Coles get into FC Barcelona’s 4-1 triumph over Bayern Munich in the UEFA Champions League, analyze their ste...

A legend retires, the new Barça trident and the facing Man City in UWCL

In Episode 6 of The Driven Shot, Jamie Coles and Omar Hawwash discuss the legendary Andrés Iniesta’s emotional retirement, FC Barcelona’s 3-0 victory over Alavés with ...

Getafe Review, Barça’s Goalkeeper Options & Osasuna Preview

In the fourth episode of the new season of The Driven Shot, hosts Omar Hawwash and Jamie Coles, in collaboration with Blaugranagram, discuss the latest FC Barcelona up...

Frenkie In, Olmo Out — Barça’s injury update ahead of Champions League start

Welcome to Episode 3 of The Driven Shot, a Barça podcast collaboration between Mundo Deportivo and Blaugranagram, hosted by Jamie Coles. With Omar Hawwash away on pare...

The int'l break, Gavi's return, Flick's headache

The second episode of the new season of The Driven Shot with hosts Omar Hawwash and Jamie Coles. In this episode, the two key topics are the pesky international break,...

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